S. Sadagopan, Ph.D. (Purdue University, USA) is the Director of IIIT-Bangalore since 1999. Earlier he had taught at IIT-Kanpur (1979–1995) and IIM-Bangalore (1995–1999); he had also taught at RUTGERS (The State University of New Jersey, USA) in 1997 and at AIT-Bangkok in 1990. He had taught courses on Information Systems to undergraduate and graduate students, both in India and abroad and to the students of technology and business, as well as hundreds of practicing managers in the industry.
His research work has appeared in several international journals including IEEE Transactions, IEEE IT Professional, Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, Simulation, Journal of Optimization Theory and Naval Research Logistics. He has edited a book and contributed a chapter to several other books. He is a Fellow of IEE (UK) and Computer Society of India.