R.N. SAXENA, Ph.D., Former Professor, Department of Applied Geology, Barkatullah University, Bhopal. After serving for 22 years in Government Motilal Vigyan Mahavidyalaya, Bhopal, he joined as Reader in the Department of Applied Geology at Bhopal University. During his tenure as a faculty member from 1963 to 1998, he had the distinction of guiding 15 students for the award of Ph.D. degree in various branches of Geology including Groundwater. He had contributed about 100 research papers which were either published in National journals or were abstracted in National seminar volumes. He was honoured with the National Excellence Award on 56th Independence Day.
D.C. GUPTA, Ph.D., is Professor and Head, Department of Earth Sciences, and Chairman of Board of Studies in Geology, Barkatullah University, Bhopal. As Scientist, he has served exploratory wing in the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India. He also worked as Exploration Geologist in Mineral Exploration Corporation Ltd. (MECL) Nagpur. Dr. Gupta has the credit of publishing more than 35 research papers in various National and International Journals of repute and two books on various themes of Geology. He has also contributed 72 research papers in various National and International Conferences and has guided 16 Ph.D. students. He is holding the position of Secretary General of South Asian Association of Economic Geologists, an international scientific forum.