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PHI Learning

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Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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PHI Learning
Probability and Statistics

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Pages : 388

Print Book ISBN : 9788120331402
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 650.00  520
You Save : (130)

eBook ISBN : 9789354431104
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 650.00  520
You Save : (130)


Designed as an introductory-level text, this accessible book gives a clear explanation of the fundamental principles of probability and statistics. In doing so, it uses only the minimum amount of mathematics that is necessary for understanding the concepts, so that even an average student can understand the concepts with ease. The text gives a coherent and comprehensive coverage of the fundamental principles of probability and statistics. The methods of computation of probability are presented in a concise and clear manner with the help of the concepts of probability distribution and integral calculus. The text provides a large number of solved examples to illustrate the principles. Graphical illustrations are provided in many of these solved examples to elucidate the principles discussed. These are augmented with exercises at the end of each section to gauge the understanding of the subject. The book is intended to serve as a text for undergraduate students of engineering, mathematics and statistics, as well as postgraduate students of computer applications. It can also be immensely useful for students from any other discipline who wish to acquire a basic understanding of probability and statistics.

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