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PHI Learning

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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PHI Learning

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Pages : 380

Print Book ISBN : 9788120335936
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 350.00  175
You Save : (175)

eBook ISBN : 9789354433443
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 350.00  280
You Save : (70)


This compact and easy-to-understand text presents the underlying principles and practice of reliability engineering and life testing. It describes the various techniques available for reliability analysis and prediction and explains the statistical methods necessary for reliability modelling, analysis and estimation. The text also discusses in detail the concepts of life testing, its classification and methodologies as well as accelerated life tests, the methodologies and models of stress related failure rates evaluation, and data analysis. Besides, it elaborates on the principles, methods and equipment of highly accelerated life testing and highly accelerated stress screening. Finally, the book concludes with a discussion on the parametric as well as non-parametric methods generally used for reliability estimation, and the recent developments in life testing of engineering components.

Key Features

The book is up-to-date and very much relevant to the present industrial, research, design, and development scenarios.

Provides adequate tools to predict the system reliability at the design stage, to plan and conduct life testing on the products at various stages of development, and to use the life test and field data to estimate the product reliability.

Gives sufficiently large number of worked-out examples.

Primarily intended as a textbook for the postgraduate students of engineering (M.Tech., Reliability Engineering), the book would also be quite useful for reliability practitioners, professional engineers, and researchers.

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