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PHI Learning

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Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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PHI Learning
Basics of Structural Dynamics and Aseismic Design

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Pages : 344

Print Book ISBN : 9788120338432
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 395.00  197.5
You Save : (197.5)

eBook ISBN : 9789390544974
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 395.00  316
You Save : (79)


This book covers all the four major areas of Earthquake Engineering such as Structural Dynamics, Seismology, Seismic Analysis, Aseismic Design, including design philosophy, capacity design and codal provisions. It also provides detailed information on liquefaction of soil and effects of soil properties on response spectra. Each chapter is well-designed and well-balanced with lucid illustrations and diagrams. Numerous solved examples have been included for better comprehension of the concepts. Exercises with answers have been provided at the end of each chapter to develop problem-solving skills of the students.

This comprehensive survey of the effects of earthquakes on dynamics of structures and their aseismic design is intended for B.E./B.Tech students of Civil Engineering and M.E./M.Tech. students of Structural Engineering.

Salient Features :

The concepts and theories of earthquake engineering are presented in a lucid manner, with ample discussions and numerous examples.

Solved examples in each chapter illustrate the fundamental concepts and provide pedagogical reinforcement to ensure student comprehension.

Incorporates necessary codal provisions such as IS 1893:2002, IS 13920:1993 and IS 4326:1976 for Seismic Analysis and Aseismic Design.

Seismic Analysis and Aseismic Design of a five-storey RC frame is specially emphasized.

Highlights the various new techniques in the field of earthquake engineering.

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