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PHI Learning

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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PHI Learning

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Pages : 1048

Print Book ISBN : 9788120343085
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 595.00  297.5
You Save : (297.5)

eBook ISBN : 9789390464364
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 595.00  476
You Save : (119)


This comprehensive text covers the course curriculum of inorganic chemistry for undergraduate (honours) and postgraduate students. It explains the traditional concepts and principles of chemistry as well as the properties and reactions of the elements and their compounds.

Divided into four parts, the book gives a cohesive knowledge about chemistry beginning with the atomic structure, bonding and molecules and then proceeding to a study of physical and chemical properties of non-transition and transition elements, and finally concluding with some special topics and emerging areas of inorganic chemistry such as non-aqueous solvents, organometallic compounds and bioinorganic chemistry. The structures of compounds have been discussed in the light of advances in structural inorganic chemistry including valence bond, molecular orbital theory and more particularly ligand field theory.

The book explains the subject in a clear, direct and understandable way to the students. It is profusely illustrated and provides numerous chapter-end exercises aimed at developing a sound understanding of the subject.

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