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PHI Learning

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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PHI Learning

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Pages : 312

Print Book ISBN : 9788120345379
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 375.00  187.5
You Save : (187.5)

eBook ISBN : 9789354436420
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 375.00  300
You Save : (75)


Change is the law of life. This precept holds for individuals and organi-zations alike. Radical change, called transformation, is not so frequent. Organizational transformation entails fundamental changes that encompass the entire gamut of the organization. A successful transformation exercise begins with formulating a set of Objectives at the beginning and ends up with realizing the desired Outcomes. This book delves deep into the intricacies of the life cycle of organizational transformation and explains how it can be managed effectively adopting a systematic and step-by-step methodology. In this well-researched text, the author, J. Satyanarayana, with his vast and varied experience in the field of management and governance, gives a brilliant exposition of managing transformation.

The book postulates the O2O (Objectives to Outcomes) framework as a seven-step methodology. The methodology, in a sense, is a meta-framework for transformation. It harmonizes and synthesizes altogether 40 sub-frameworks, which include some well-known concepts, such as Porter’s Value Chain Framework, Kaplan and Norton’s Balanced Scorecard, and Hammer’s BPR framework. The author illustrates the O2O framework through a Case Study on Passport Seva Project, designed by him, and being implemented all over India to transform the quality of passport-related services provided to the citizens.

This text, with its blend of theory and practice, would prove extremely valuable to the students of management and commerce. It should also be a valuable reference book to the administrators and management consultants.


By expounding the O2O methodology, the book addresses the managerial requirements of conceptualizing, designing and implement-ing major transformation projects.

Focuses on the four principal dimensions of transformation, namely, Process, People, Technology, and Business Model while explaining the major concepts.

Interspersed with plenty of examples to illustrate the concepts.

Includes chapter-end review questions to drill the students in self-study.

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