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PHI Learning

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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PHI Learning

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Pages : 400

Print Book ISBN : 9788120345898
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 350.00  175
You Save : (175)

eBook ISBN : 9789354436178
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 350.00  280
You Save : (70)


Written in an accessible style, this text provides a complete coverage of discrete mathematics and its applications at an appropriate level of rigour.

The book discusses algebraic structures, mathematical logic, lattices, Boolean algebra, graph theory, automata theory, grammars and recurrence relations. It covers the important topics such as coding theory, Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm, reverse polish notation, Warshall’s algorithm, Menger’s theorem, Turing machine, and LR(k) parsers, which form a part of the fundamental applications of discrete mathematics in computer science. In addition, Pigeonhole principle, ring homomorphism, field and integral domain, trees, network flows, languages, and recurrence relations. The text is supported with a large number of examples, worked-out problems and diagrams that help students understand the theoretical explanations.

The book is intended as a text for postgraduate students of mathematics, computer science, and computer applications. In addition, it will be extremely useful for the undergraduate students of computer science and engineering.

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