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PHI Learning

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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PHI Learning

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Pages : 256

Print Book ISBN : 9788120348301
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 250.00  125
You Save : (125)

eBook ISBN : 9789354438172
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 250.00  200
You Save : (50)


This book on Security Analysis and Portfolio Management is a comprehensive source of information and analysis for students and practitioners. The distinguishing feature of the book is the detailed coverage of the regulatory environment, which consists of the current and updated rules and regulations, tax-environment and the practice of investment in the securities market in India.

The book has been written keeping in mind the potential investor and an average student. It addresses all their doubts and concerns and makes them informed about the money market.

This well organised, lucidly written text covers various aspects of the portfolio management, ranging from analysis to revision and then performance evaluation of the portfolio. Also discusses in detail the securities market, derivatives and risk evaluation that helps in understanding the trading system better and making quality investment decisions. Besides explaining the theoretical concepts of portfolio management, the book provides a detailed analysis of the latest development in the securities trading.

It is meant to be a ‘single window book’ covering the SAPM syllabus of almost all the Indian Universities and institutes conducting MBA/PGDM or MCom programmes. The book will be equally useful for the students of ICAI, ICWAI as well as for investment courses conducted by NSE.

Key Features

• Easy to understand by the readers even if they have not been exposed to higher mathematics.
• Vast coverage of the SAPM topics.
• Several worked-out problems in relevant chapters to aid and assist students and teacher alike.
• Detailed discussion on Indian stock and share market in context to the country’s current scenario.


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