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PHI Learning
CORE BANKING SOLUTION Evaluation of Security and Controls

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Pages : 360

Print Book ISBN : 9788120348332
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 450.00  225
You Save : (225)

eBook ISBN : 9789354437700
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 450.00  360
You Save : (90)


This compact and concise study provides a clear insight into the concepts of Core Banking Solution (CBS)—a set of software components that offer today’s banking market a robust operational customer database and customer administration. It attempts to make core banking solution familiar to the professionals and regulatory authorities, who are responsible for the control and security of banks, and shows that by using CBS, banking services can be made more customer friendly.

This well-organized text, divided into two parts and five sections, begins (Part I) with the need for core banking solution technology in banking system, its implementation and practice. It then goes on to a detailed discussion on various technology implications of ATM, Internet banking, cash management system and so on. Part I concludes with Business Continuity Planning (BCP) and Disaster Recovery Planning (DCP).

Part II focuses on components of audit approach of a bank where the core banking solution has been in operation. Besides, usage of audit tools and study of audit logs have been discussed.

The Second Edition includes new sections on outsourcing of ATM operations, printing of ATM card, printing of Pin Mailers, mobile banking, Point of Sale (POS), financial inclusion, vulnerability assessment, penetration testing and so on. Besides, many topics have been discussed extensively and updated to make the book more comprehensive and complete.

Key Features

 • Suggested checklists for performing audits are included.
 • An exclusive chapter is devoted to Case Studies based on fraudulent activities in banks due to lack of security and controls.
 • Useful Web references have been provided.
 • Contains relevant standards of international body ISACA, USA.

This book would be useful for Chartered Accountants who are Auditors of various banks. It would help the External System Auditors and the Auditors who perform concurrent system audit of banks and also the Officers of the Department of Banking Supervision of the Reserve Bank of India and others who have the responsibilities of regulating the security and controls in the banks. In addition, it would be extremely useful to the bankers who have Information Technology as one of the subjects for the CAIIB examination.

This book is a trailblazer in the Indian Banking scene. It makes tremendous and vital contribution to the aspect of Computer Assurance and Risk Management
in Banking.

— N. VITTAL, I.A.S. (Retd.), Former Central Vigilance Commissioner


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