Primarily intended as a textbook for undergraduate courses in electrical, electronics and telecommunication engineering, this compact and student-friendly book presents a comprehensive coverage of optical communication.
Organised in 15 chapters, the text explains the concepts of semiconductors and optical fibers. It discusses in detail cable, optical fiber loss, mathematical analysis of optical fiber operation, optical sources and optical detectors. The book also lucidly explains the basic principles of optical communication system and gives a clear insight into transmitters and receivers, design of optical communication system, opto-digital transmission system, voice transmission through fiber optic communication, video transmission over fiber optic links and optical network. The main objective is to provide a thorough understanding of the principles of optical communication.
• A number of solved problems that illustrate the application of theory to reinforce the concepts.
• Concepts are explained with block diagrams that highlight the most significant aspects for better understanding.
• Numerous objective type questions are provided.
Undergraduate courses in Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunication engineering.