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PHI Learning

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Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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Pages : 560

Print Book ISBN : 9788120351615
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 1395.00  1116
You Save : (279)

eBook ISBN : 9789390464715
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 1395.00  1116
You Save : (279)


In the wake of fast changing economic landscape—characterized by global financial crisis, volatile equity and bond markets, rising dominance of emerging markets and increasing investor activism—the role of financial managers in an organization has assumed significant importance.

This text aims at educating the students the fundamentals of Corporate Finance, and explains how various theories can be applied for efficient decision making for the financial managers.

The book is conceptualized on practical approach, and explores various topics in an easy and step-by-step approach, backed by numerous examples, self-test exercises and India-centric cases.

The complex financial concepts related to capital structure, risk and return analysis, valuation of financial securities, market efficiency and portfolio management have been explained in a reader-friendly manner to provide a unique learning experience.

The book is intended for the postgraduate students of Management, and practising financial managers.

Key features

•   The chapters are backed by strong practical experience of in-depth financial analysis of Companies.
•   Supplemented with real-life examples and scenarios in a concise and comprehensive presentation.
•   India-centric cases to create an interactive class room environment.
•   Topics for further research have been included on each major topic as ‘Researchable Issues’.
•   Each chapter contains side-boxes to highlight the important points for quick revision.
•   Each chapter is incorporated with Review Questions, Practice Exercises and Self-Test Questions to add analytical approach to the subject.
•   Revision set and PPT slides provided as web support.
•   Solutions Manual for instructors, available on request.

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