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PHI Learning

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PHI Learning
Electrical Machines : Modelling and Analysis

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Pages : 512

Print Book ISBN : 9788120351776
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 595.00  297.5
You Save : (297.5)

eBook ISBN : 9789354432309
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 595.00  476
You Save : (119)


The book is designed to cover the study of electro-mechanical energy converters in all relevant aspects, and also to acquaint oneself of a single treatment for all types of machines for modelling and analysis.

The book starts with the general concepts of energy conversion and basic circuit elements, followed by a review of the mathematical tools. The discussion goes on to introduce the concepts of energy storage in magnetic field, electrical circuits used in rotary electro-mechanical devices and three-phase systems with their transformation. The book, further, makes the reader familiar with the modern aspects of analysis of machines like transient and dynamic operation of machines, asymmetrical and unbalanced operation of poly-phase induction machines, and finally gives a brief exposure to space phasor concepts.

This book is meant for the senior level undergraduate and postgraduate students of electrical engineering.


• Contains number of solved examples and self-explanatory figures

• Provides alternative explanations of operating features of machines in order to bring a parity between classical methods, explaining the operations and unified theory, explaining the working machines

• Incorporates practical exercises—both objective and numerical types

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