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PHI Learning

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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Pages : 352

Print Book ISBN : 9788120352544
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 395.00  197.5
You Save : (197.5)

eBook ISBN : 9789354433306
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 395.00  316
You Save : (79)


Written in an easy-to-grasp language, the book brings to light the various topics pertaining to Web engineering at one place in a comprehensive manner. The text, organized in eleven chapters, enables its readers to analyze, model, design, code, test and maintain their Web sites. Through its systematic presentation of topics, i.e., from basic level to advanced level, the book apprises the readers with the finer points of the various phases of Web development life cycle like Web analysis, Web design, Web coding (Web technologies), Web testing and Web maintenance.

The book is adaptive enough for practical implementation of the concepts, thereby allowing its readers to avoid or overcome hacking, to master client-side and server-side programming and to develop good-quality Web applications. Using explicit descriptions and scripting languages like VBScript, JavaScript and much more, this book is a must-have book for all those who are associated with the field of Web engineering.

This book is chiefly intended for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology. It is also of immense use for the students of M.Sc. in Computer Science and MCA.


Inclusion of multiple choice questions (with answers) and solved conceptual questions at the end of each chapter helps the students from examination point-of-view.

Chapter-end review questions check the grasping power of the students and help in developing their skills.

• Adequate number of solved programming examples and case tools are included in the book, which consider Web engineering as an umbrella activity.

Notes are given in between the text to highlight the important points for quick reference.

• Ample figures and tables are given to support the concepts explained.

• Enclosure of question bank, glossary, bibliography and sample papers makes the book replete with features.

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