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PHI Learning

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Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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PHI Learning
HYDROGEOLOGY: Problems with Solutions

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Pages : 280

Print Book ISBN : 9788120352780
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 350.00  175
You Save : (175)

eBook ISBN : 9789354437922
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 350.00  280
You Save : (70)


Numerical calculations are inevitably required in the field of hydrogeology and play a significant role in dealing with its various aspects. As often as not, students are seen struggling while solving numerical problems based on hydrogeology, as they find difficulty in identifying the correct concept behind the problem and the formula that can be applied to it. Also, there is a dearth of books, which help the readers in solving numerical problems of varied difficulty level and enable them to have a firm grounding in the subject of hydrogeology. The book Hydrogeology: Problems with Solutions fills this void in the finest way, and as desired, chiefly focuses on the sequential steps involved in solving the problems based on hydrogeology. It concisely covers the fundamental concepts, advanced principles and applications of hydrogeological tasks rather than overemphasising the theoretical aspects.

The text comprises sixty solved hydrogeological problems, which are logically organised into ten chapters, including hydrological cycle, morphometric analysis, hydrological properties, groundwater flow, well hydraulics, well design and construction, groundwater management, seawater intrusion, groundwater exploration and groundwater quality. The practice of pedagogy of hydrogeology in yesteryears was a two-tier approach of theoretical principles with toy problems and in-situ case studies for research start-up. This book bridges the gap between routine problem-solving and state-of-the-practice for future.

The book is primarily intended for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of Earth Sciences, Civil Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Hydrogeology and Hydrology. It also serves as an excellent handy reference for all professionals.

• Key Concept succinctly explores the models, methods and theoretical concepts related to each problem.
• Necessary equations and formulae are specified.
• Appendices and Glossary are included, leaving no scope to refer any other book.
• Bibliography broadens the scope of the book.

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