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PHI Learning

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PHI Learning
TELEMEDICINE : Technology and Applications (mHealth, TeleHealth and eHealth)

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Pages : 524

Print Book ISBN : 9788120353039
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 550.00  275
You Save : (275)

eBook ISBN : 9789390544325
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 550.00  440
You Save : (110)


Having now come of age, telemedicine has the potential of having a greater impact on the future of medicine than any other modality. Telemedicine, in the final analysis, brings reality to the vision of an enhanced accessibility of medical care and a global network of healthcare, which was not even imagined two decades ago. Today, the field of telemedicine has expanded rapidly and is likely to assume greater importance in healthcare delivery in the coming times.

To address the developing trend of telemedicine applications in both urban and rural areas throughout the world, this book has been designed to discuss different technologies which are being applied in the field of telemedicine and their applications including advances in wireless technologies, the use of fibre optics in telecommunication, availability of broadband Internet, digital imaging technologies and compressed video techniques that have eliminated the problems of telemedicine and also reduced the cost. Starting with the basic hospital based telemedicine system and leading to mHealth, teleHealth and eHealth, the book covers as to how various physiological signals are acquired from the body, processed and used for monitoring the patients anywhere anytime.

The book is primarily intended for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Instrumentation, Computer Science and Information Technology and Hospital Management and Nursing.

• Covers all aspects of telemedicine technology, including medical devices, telecommunications, networking and interfacing techniques
• Provides step-by-step coverage on how to set up a telemedicine centre
• Includes broad application areas of telemedicine
• Covers essentials of telemedicine including mHealth, eHealth and teleHealth
• Provides abbreviations/acronyms and glossary of commonly used terms in telemedicine

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