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PHI Learning

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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PHI Learning

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Pages : 408

Print Book ISBN : 9789354437427
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 850.00  680
You Save : (170)

eBook ISBN : 9789354439667
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 850.00  680
You Save : (170)


Artificial Intelligence and Industry 5.0 is a textbook that bridges theoretical foundations of AI with its applications in the emerging areas of Industry 5.0. The book is written to provide a foundation for machine learning and deep learning with their applications in natural sciences by providing worked-out examples and exercises.

The book takes a balanced approach between the theoretical basis for machine learning and its applications. It covers topics including artificial neural networks, machine learning, supervised and unsupervised learning, deep learning, convolution neural networks, and recurrent neural networks. Besides, the book also includes topics such as pattern recognition, natural language processing and metaheuristic algorithms which will give readers to understand some of the vital areas where AI plays a significant role. The well-explained algorithms and pseudocodes for each topic help students to apply them in their relevant field. The book, besides discussing the topics prescribed in the syllabus, is enriched with the research experience of the authors from different fields, including Theoretical or Computational Chemistry, Bioinformatics, and Computer Sciences, and various training programs conducted for the students/research community.

This book is a result of 6 years of group discussions that took place with the groups of eminent professors and researchers in the field. For brief lectures/PPTs, the readers can visit PHI Learning Centre or https://github.com/gnsastry/ACDS-Lectures .


• Includes topics prescribed in the syllabus as well as the latest research in the field.

• The book provides a mathematical foundation and learning techniques in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

• Each chapter comprises a set of worked-out examples and exercises which are focused on the key concepts.

• The book is organized with fundamental concepts and applications in natural sciences, healthcare, drug discovery, environmental sustainability, and more.


• B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering

• B.Tech AI and ML

• B.Tech all branches for elective course

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