Cryptography is often perceived as a highly mathematical subject, making it challenging for many learners to grasp. Recognizing this, the book has been written with a focus on accessibility, requiring minimal prerequisites in number theory or algebra.
The book, aims to explain cryptographic principles and how to apply and develop cryptographic algorithms and systems. The book comprehensively covers symmetric and asymmetric ciphers, hashes, digital signatures, random number generators, authentication schemes, secret sharing schemes, key distribution, elliptic curves, and their practical applications.
To simplify the subject, the book begins with an introduction to the essential concepts of number theory, tailored for students with little to no prior exposure. The content is presented with an algorithmic approach and includes numerous illustrative examples, making it ideal for beginners as well as those seeking a refresher. Overall, the book serves as a practical and approachable guide to mastering the subject.
• Includes recent applications of elliptic curves with extensive algorithms and corresponding examples and exercises with detailed solutions.
• Primality testing algorithms such as Miller-Rabin, Solovay-Strassen and Lucas-Lehmer for Mersenne integers are described for selecting strong primes.
• Factoring algorithms such as Pollard r – 1, Pollard Rho, Dixon's, Quadratic sieve, Elliptic curve factoring algorithms are discussed.
• Paillier cryptosystem and Paillier publicly verifiable secret sharing scheme are described.
• Signcryption scheme that provides both confidentiality and authentication is explained for traditional and elliptic curve based approaches.
• B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering.
• B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering.