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PHI Learning

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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PHI Learning

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Pages : 192

Print Book ISBN : 9789354439728
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 495.00  396
You Save : (99)

eBook ISBN : 9789354439582
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 495.00  396
You Save : (99)


In the next two decades, startups will be key drivers of India's economic growth and job creation. They have already created over 1.3 million jobs and are expected to continue generating more opportunities. Startups will provide significant employment for skilled individuals and young graduates. In India, many startups fail because of poorly identified problems, inappropriate business solutions, lack of scalability, underdeveloped business models, poor profitability, and insufficient knowledge of business management functions.

To ensure the success of startups, this book will serve as a comprehensive guide for business students and entrepreneurs on starting, managing, and scaling up their businesses. The book will also be useful for the students who come from other disciplines like engineering and technology and aspire to start their own ventures. The book providing a comprehensive understanding of startups and unicorns, including strategies for transforming startups into unicorns moves on to identifying the core problems and discovering effective business solutions to address them. Finally, it offers in-depth, practical knowledge of various business functions, including strategy, operations, finance, marketing, sales, and distribution. The book will prove to be a handholding guide for its readers and will offer mentorship and support to aspiring entrepreneurs for running a successful business.


• Real-life examples to pinpoint the core business issues and discover their appropriate solutions.

• Clear explanations of business strategy with practical examples.

• Marketing strategies with relevant examples.

• Applied explanations of various financial practices using practical work examples.

• A detailed explanation of various operations, along with practical examples, to help effectively manage startups.

• Explain essential elements that play a role in distribution management.

• Includes information about promising areas for startups for aspiring entrepreneurs.



• B.Tech/M.Tech

• Entrepreneurs

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