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PHI Learning

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Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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PHI Learning
Wind Power Technology

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Pages : 496

Print Book ISBN : 9789388028493
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 525.00  262.5
You Save : (262.5)

eBook ISBN : 9789388028509
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 525.00  420
You Save : (105)


I encourage all those who will read this book, will promote both directly and indirectly the use and awareness of wind energy as a clean and viable source of electric power.

—THOMAS ACKERMAN, Ph.D., Wind Power Author and Founder, Energynautics GmbH, Germany

Those who will read this book, will be well prepared to work in the wind power sector and participate in the important task to develop a renewable energy system which can stop the global climate change.

—TORE WIZELIUS, Wind Power Author, Teacher and Wind Project Developer, Sweden

This book provides a valuable technical information on small wind turbines that will allow students to become amateur wind engineers and entrepreneurs in this growing industry.

—Urban Green Energy, USA

This comprehensive textbook, now in its third edition, incorporates significant improvements based on the readers' suggestions and demands. It provides engineering students with the principles of different types of grid connected renewable energy sources and, in particular, the detailed underpinning knowledge required to understand the different types of grid connected wind turbines.

New to the Third Edition

• Revised Chapter 1 providing considerable amount of current information and technologies related to various types of renewable energy technologies

• One new chapter on 'Electronics in Renewable Energy Systems' (Chapter 15)

Designed as a textbook for Renewable Energy courses offered in the most of the Indian universities, the book not only serves for the one-semester stream-specific course on Renewable Energy or Wind Energy for diploma and senior level undergraduate students of electrical, mechanical, electronics and instrumentation engineering, but also for the postgraduate engineering students undertaking energy studies.


• B.Tech/M.Tech (EEE/ECE/ME)

• Diploma (engineering)

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