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PHI Learning

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Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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PHI Learning
Current English Grammar and Usage

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Pages : 596

Print Book ISBN : 9789388028691
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 425.00  212.5
You Save : (212.5)

eBook ISBN : 9789388028707
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 425.00  340
You Save : (85)


In the present age of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) revolution and social networking scenario, fast and precise communication has become the need of the hour. But in the whirlwind of fluency, accuracy cannot be sacrificed. Sometimes, adequate attention is not paid to the use of grammar and usage, which leaves a very bad impression on the readers. This book on English grammar presents the topics in an innovative way and meets the long-felt need of a good user-friendly grammar book.

The book makes the study of grammar very interesting, challenging and exciting. It discusses grammatical categories, processes and principles of sentence construction in a very simple and lucid manner. The book starts with the discussion of word classes and goes on to describe phrases and sentences. More importantly, it deals with the problem areas of tenses, modal verbs, articles, determiners, prepositions, passive constructions and direct and indirect narration in a novel way. The composition section of the book includes a very useful presentation of letter-writing, precis-writing, report writing, reading comprehension and, above all, the use of vocabulary. The Appendices on how to avoid spelling errors and a complete list of the types of sentences are very useful.

This comprehensive and well-researched book should prove very valuable for undergraduate students of all streams. Besides, professionals, those preparing for competitive examinations and even any lay reader who wishes to possess the essentials of English grammar and usage will find the book useful and interesting. In the Second Edition of the book the introduction of two new chapters on error analysis and functional grammar will prove very useful to interviewees and competitors..


• Explains difficult grammatical concepts in a simple and lucid language.

• Provides models for every writing activity.

• Incorporates latest linguistic research in the conceptualization and presentation of the grammatical material.

• Contains lots of exercises with solutions.

• Adds comprehensive material on error analysis and functional grammar.


• UG and PG Students of all streams

• Aspirants of competitive exams

• Teachers and instructors

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