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PHI Learning

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Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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Pages : 216

Print Book ISBN : 9789389347128
Binding : Paperback
Print Book Status : Available
Print Book Price : 350.00  175
You Save : (175)

eBook ISBN : 9789389347135
Ebook Status : Available
Ebook Price : 350.00  280
You Save : (70)


Behavioural Finance is a comprehensive textbook intended especially for the management students. It has been designed to polish their decision-making skills in the context of finance and investment decisions. The book provides a balanced presentation of theoretical concepts of behavioural finance and their practical orientation. This book emphasises the application of concepts through case studies and suitable examples in local context. The textbook deals with the concepts of behavioural finance along with its specialised sub-areas.

Apart from providing a basic understanding of the concepts in behavioural finance, the book extensively covers the new developments in the area of behavioural finance. Recent researches in different sub-areas of behavioural finance are also given in the “Learning Centre” section on our website www.phindia.com for the benefit of budding scholars.

Each chapter starts with a quotation to sensitise readers with the theme of the chapter. To facilitate the understanding of concepts in behavioural finance, the text in each chapter is interspersed with suitable examples. In every chapter, real life case studies are given which again make the book very lucid and understandable.

Besides, the learning objectives and introduction that unfold the chapter, the summary at each chapter-end to provide an eagle's eye to the topics discussed are also given. With every chapter, student activities, topics for group discussion, student assignment, and review questions are given to facilitate revision. To assist the readers traverse through the chapters without missing crucial details, the chapters are provided with a number of side-boxes that collect the essence of important sections.

PowerPoint slides are available for the instructors who adopt this textbook.


• Students of MBA/PGDM

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