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PHI Learning, a trusted name in academic publishing with 62 years of excellence, offers affordable, NEP 2020-aligned textbooks, expert-authored content, and global reach, driving academic progress in higher education.

Year: 2022

  • Top 4 Benefits Of Using E-Textbooks

    As eBooks become popular amongst readers, all tech-savvy young students want to read their textbooks in electronic format. More and more academic textbook publishers are beginning to publish e-copies of their textbooks. Although hardcover and paperback books are still sold more than eBooks, sales of eBooks have been on the rise worldwide. It is commonly said that eBooks can transform the way we read books and we at PHI Learning agree!

    This is why we have come up with our top 4 reasons to buy your textbooks in e-book format. Are you considering buying your textbooks in eBook format instead of print copies? Read on for the top 4 reasons to buy an eBook.

    One Device, Many Books:

    eBooks can be easily stored on most devices, making them highly portable due to the easy transportability of digital devices. Whilst print books are less compact and sometimes heavy, you can easily carry thousands of eBooks in a device that fits in your pocket! Often, eBook reading platforms will help you access your books across all your devices, making your eBooks accessible to you no matter which one of your devices you are using. Some devices on which people read eBooks are: E-readers, Tablets, IPads, Smartphones and laptops.

    eBooks are better for the environment since they are read on a digital device. Creating digital books saves paper whilst also saving printing costs for publishers. Print book publishing uses around 3 million trees each year. E-books save all those trees from being chopped down and also help publishers save on raw materials, the production process in the printing press, and the final shipping of the books.

    eBooks often cost less than print books since fewer raw materials are required to produce an eBook as compared to print books. Often, readers can save money by purchasing books in e-format.

    Access texts anywhere, any time:

    Since eBooks are portable and can easily be carried around, they are highly accessible. You can access your whole library across all your devices since most e-reading platforms these days enable users to sync multiple devices together. This means that you can read any of the books in your library no matter where you are or which of your devices you have access to.

    This is especially convenient for students and working professionals. These young people can read their hefty textbooks whilst commute to and from work, anywhere on their college campus, or during their free time. E-textbooks are useful for people who have very busy lives. They enable people to carry all their textbooks with them in a single device, no matter where they are.

    Digital books need to be published on an eBook platform that is reader-friendly and capable of making eBooks as accessible as possible. All of PHI Learning’s eBooks are published as Adobe Digital Editions. This platform is amongst the most advanced and updated eBook hosting platforms. We also offer IP Based or Cloud Based access on our platform for those who want to order in bulk.

    Most students prefer eBooks:

    Although many readers prefer the look and feel of a physical copy of a book, eBooks have better functionality. This could make eBooks a preferable option for most students. For higher education students who work on their laptops and other electronic devices, eBooks are a convenient student resource. Students who need access to multiple textbooks (often too many to carry around with them) can easily carry their books on their laptops. Students can access their texts easily on their devices whilst studying – no matter where on campus they are. No matter which one of their numerous texts they need, students who often have active lifestyles can carry all their textbooks around with ease.

    A study by McGraw-Hill Education in partnership with Hanover Research involved 3000 students who voiced their digital preferences in college education. The study found that most students enjoy digital experiences. In the study, 84% of students said that digital technologies enhance their education. Many students write their subject research online on their laptops whilst others do their exam prep on their digital devices. Keeping eBooks handy on a device that is being used for all other college work could be especially helpful to these students. Students can also benefit from links to external websites. Such links can only be included in eBooks but not print books.

    E-textbooks can offer students interactive features such as audio/visual elements and online review questions. Print books, in comparison, cannot contain such features. Many students prefer to learn on their devices rather than with borrowed textbooks. E-readers enable students to view textbooks on their devices. For young students, being able to study on their devices is very important.

    Digital publishing is changing the publishing industry across all genres of books. This is especially true for textbooks. Textbooks are more often purchased by young college students who are more likely to purchase eBook copies.

    Customize how you read:

    eBooks enable users to adjust the text as per their preferences. Users can change the font, size, and colour of the text they are reading to customize their reading experience. Most e-readers and devices allow users to adjust the screen’s brightness, warmth, colour, and also feature pre-designed screen settings which can make reading easier for the readers’ eyes. Most devices have a “read in the dark” feature and allow readers to adjust the font size for better readability.

    Many e-readers even have a “read aloud” feature. This allows readers to continue reading your texts after a long day of hard work – even when their eyes are tired from reading! This feature also helps readers understand pronunciations and is particularly useful for those with impairments that prevent them from reading. EBooks are, therefore, especially useful for students since these extra features help them to study with ease.

    The only way readers can customize their reading experience with printed books is by marking pages or highlighting text. eBooks offer ample opportunities for helping the readers make the book they are reading their own. eBooks can contain audio, videos, and external links. Readers can bookmark pages with ease and also use the “word-search” feature to search for certain keywords or terms. eBooks also allow readers to write lengthy notes on each page of the book which can pop in and out of the screen as needed. This feature is especially useful when it comes to textbooks since students often need to write long notes whilst studying. Often, students’ notes can be so long that one page in a textbook produces a full page’s worth of study notes. Making such lengthy notes directly on the textbook is impossible in printed books. However, it is possible on most e-reading platforms. This makes e-textbooks especially suitable for many students who like writing notes.

    We at PHI Learning believe e-textbooks are extremely useful for students. We believe eBooks are easily transportable, customizable, easy to store, convenient, and particularly valuable for students. These features are particularly useful for young students who usually prefer technology and like to study on their digital devices. At PHI Learning, we publish eBook versions of all our print books. Accessible on various e-reading platforms, our e-books are created with the intent to enhance the convenience and reading experience of students and teachers. Our e-textbooks enable students to customize how they study, transport their textbooks conveniently, and access their books no matter where on campus they are.

    Interested in purchasing an e-textbook for your current or upcoming courses? Check out all our curriculum-based texts on our website www.phindia.com.

    All our textbooks are aligned with the set syllabus at top universities nationwide. Our books are so well-designed to align with the existing college syllabi that the AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) and the UGC (University Grants Commission) have recommended our textbooks after finding them suitable for the curriculum they already had set in place. So do check out our eBooks and grab some convenient and helpful student resources for yourself! https://www.phindia.com/PHI/AboutEbooks


  • Indian Knowledge System: Retaining India’s Glorious Ancient History

    India, a land of sages and seers, is well known for its rich cultural heritage and exuberant diversity. Also, it is known as one of the oldest civilizations in the world. In addition, great scholars and scientists of ancient India gave birth to various scientific theories that laid the foundation for modern science and technology. One will be surprised to know that many theories of modern day mathematics were already known to Indians in ancient times. But due to lack of proper documentation or knowledge dissemination to the counterpart or next generation, as compared to the Western world, contributions made by Indians did not find the place they deserved. Still some of the groundbreaking contributions by them have been acknowledged, some are still unknown to most.

    Snorkelling deep into the sea of scientific discoveries, one can find that the Indian calendar is considered the oldest in the system. It divides an approximate solar year of 360 days into 12 lunar months of 27 or 28 days. The resulting discrepancy was resolved by the intercalation of a leap month every 60 months. Time was reckoned by the position marked off in constellations (nakatra) on the ecliptic in which the Moon rises daily in the course of one lunation and the Sun rises monthly in the course of one year.

    India has always been the land of great mathematicians. The value of pi, used in calculating the area and circumference of a circle, was first calculated by Baudhayan. What is known as Pythagoras theorem today already appeared in Baudhayan’s Sulva Sutra, which was written many years before the age of Pythagoras.

    We all know that Aryabhatta, a pioneer in the field of Mathematics, was the first to devise a decimal system of numbers and place value system writing numbers the way we do in these modern days. He wrote Aryabhattiya in the fifth century. Discovery of zero enabled Aryabhatta to find out the exact distance between the earth and the moon. Also, he contributed immensely in other areas of Mathematics including trigonometry and Beejganita (algebra) — the topics of modern day Mathematics.

    Brahmagupta was the first mathematician to give the formula for the area of a cyclic quadrilateral in the seventh century. His contributions to geometry are significant. In his multiplication method, he used place value in almost the same way as it is used today. He introduced negative numbers and operations on zero into mathematics. He wrote Brāhmasphuasiddhānta through which the Arabs came to know our mathematical system.

    Jain gurus knew how to solve quadratic equations. Guru Mahavira or Mahaviracharya, in the ninth century, wrote his book, ‘Ganitsarasangraha’ which is the first ever text on arithmetic in present day form. The text explains rules for adding fractions of unequal denominators by finding niruddha or L.C.M (least common multiple). Thus, long before John Napier introduced it to the world, it was already known to Indians.

    Indians made remarkable contributions to the field of Astronomy, called Khagolshastra in ancient India. Aryabhatta contributed greatly to the field. Astronomy was studied to have accurate calendars, a better understanding of climate and rainfall patterns for timely sowing of crops, finding the dates of festivals, navigation, calculation of time, and sketching of horoscopes. The traders used this knowledge to study tides and the stars before crossing the oceans and deserts, especially during night.

    Furthermore, age old traditions in India like greeting people in Namaste form, wearing toe rings by women, throwing copper coins into rivers, applying tilak on the forehead, bells in temples, applying henna in hand and feet, eating while sitting on floor etc. are all based on scientific reasons.

    Jantar Mantar Jaipur, a stone sundial built by the Rajput king Sawai Jai Singh II in 1734 is famous for its meticulous architecture and mathematical accuracy. This astronomical observatory has amazed scientists and astrologists worldwide. The structure was used to tell time in the ancient days based on the position of the Sun and the direction of the shadows. It has been designed skillfully to also predict the movement and position of other celestial bodies in space.

    If the history of medical science is traced back to its origin, it probably starts from an unmarked era of ancient time. Many techniques practiced today have still been derived from the practices of the ancient Indian scholars. Sushruta is considered the “Father of Plastic Surgery.” He lived in India sometime between 1000 and 800 BC, and is responsible for the advancement of medicine in ancient India. Charaka, the ‘Father of Ayurveda’, in his book ‘Charaka Samhita’ had mentioned about 340 plant types and about 200 animal types. The book contains ancient theories on human body, etiology, symptomology and therapeutics for a wide range of diseases. Charak Samhita is the most referenced treatise in Ayurveda by students, scholars, teachers, physicians and researchers.

    In view of creating awareness among students about these valuable discoveries and contributions made by ancient Indians that created and strengthened the fundamentals of modern science and technology, Ministry of Education, Government of India has established IKS division with a vision to promote interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research on all aspects of IKS, and disseminate IKS knowledge for further innovations and societal applications. Moreover, the New Education Policy (NEP) has also provided a clear trajectory for imparting IKS in the higher education curriculum, necessitating a book of this kind in several higher education institutions in the country in the days to come.

    Further, a course on IKS has been mandated by AICTE, and PHI Learning, in support of the policy, took initiative to publish the first-ever text on this interdisciplinary subject for holistic development of students. This unique text is a culmination of multiple efforts of the authors to fill in the gap for offering a required course on Indian Knowledge System (IKS).

    The book seeks to introduce the epistemology and ontology of IKS to the Engineering and Science students in a way they can relate, appreciate and explore further should there be a keen interest in the matter. Beginning with the key concepts and a concise introduction to IKS, the book provides certain foundational concepts applicable across all domains of Science and Engineering. Hence, the readers are invited to navigate through all four sections of the book step by step….

    Click https://www.phindia.com/Books/BookDetail/9789391818203/introduction-to-indian-knowledge-system-bhat-mahadevan-nagendra


  • What Should A Textbook Look Like?

    As a student you never think how a textbook should be, but you certainly know whether it appeals to you or not; whether the textbook is able to arouse enough curiosity in you to get going and learn the next topic or you simply lose interest after reading a few pages. Whether it is worth spending time on it! And whether you gain any real knowledge reading it.

    The textbook should not be merely a device for earning marks in examinations. Here comes the authors’ and publishers’ responsibility!

    It is very important for the authors to write a textbook keeping in mind the curriculum needs, students’ interest, and the students’ learning ability at a particular age bracket, and accordingly prepare a plan for each chapter. Most of us know that a good textbook is one which is written in a lucid manner for easy understanding. But is this enough? Of course not! It is equally important for the authors to choose contents carefully and decide on the depth of information required for the students of that particular standard. If you skip this crucial step of analyzing and making judgment on what to include and what to exclude, this may create a serious hindrance in students’ learning, and also in decision-making in favour of the text. This issue arises due to abundance of information on the subject available through different sources, especially on the web. Here, the authors’ must take responsibility for carefully analyzing the information and designing the text or the course material accordingly!

    Though a textbook is not the only resource for learning a concept, it is still viewed as an indispensable tool for both teachers and students whether at school or higher education. Besides being an important teaching resource, textbooks are also considered a self-directed study device to encourage students to acquire knowledge independently. Not only this but also the textbook prepares students for evaluation processes to allow them to next level entry. At the same time, it empowers them with the required hands-on experiences and much needed skills during their higher studies, thence serve as a gateway to career in industry. To ensure a successful learning experience, the authors must sync concept detailing with the quality, which obviously deserves greater attention in addition to the quantity. Over and above, a quality book should have all desirable pedagogical features in place to supplement text and support effective learning. Some of the features include learning objectives to define learning outcomes, interviews, case studies and vignettes, illustrations (photos, diagrams, charts, tables, maps and figures), examples of best practices, simulations, glossary of terms and practice questions. By virtue, employing effective pedagogical approaches as per the demand of the subject helps students achieve learning outcomes and realise their full academic potential.

    All-embracing, an authentic text is one that not only narrates concepts like a good teacher but also involves students in learning and allows them to interact. But again, the foundation of a textbook lay on logically planned contents and a strong structure that set a judicious, well thought out direction for the students to navigate the contents. Hence, the textbook should be designed in a way how best the students can digest it, assimilate it and turn it to their real advantage!

    We, at PHI Learning, try our best to publish books keeping all important criteria in mind to help students achieve their true potential and enjoy learning. So, visit us at www.phindia.com to explore and navigate contents of books curated as per your curriculum needs. Some of the pathfinder texts, embedded with desirable features, published by us are here to give you an idea of what a good textbook looks like, and of course, to help you find one of your interest….

    Bestselling PHI Textbooks

  • IPA Champion Award – Yet another FIRST achievement of Mr. Asoke Ghosh

    IPA Champion Award – Yet another FIRST achievement of Mr. Asoke Ghosh

    We, at PHI Learning, proudly announce that our Chairman and Managing Director, Mr. Asoke Ghosh, has been awarded the First IPA Champion Award. The award was presented by Mr. Hugo Setzer, Past IPA President during the 33rd International Publishers Congress, which took place in Jakarta, Indonesia from 10-12 November 2022.

    This is the first of this highest honour in IPA’s 125 years. It celebrates individuals who have, during their career, gone “above and beyond the norm to help the IPA achieve its goals on behalf of the publishing industry.” In the last 5 decades, Mr. Ghosh has tirelessly promoted IPA values. He started his participation in IPA in 1974 and became a member of its Executive Committee in 1983 and until 1990. He was later elected again to the Executive Committee in 1999 and served as IPA Vice-President from 2000 to 2004. He brought the 24th IPA Congress to New Delhi in 1992 for the very first time and then again in 2018.

    The IPA is the world’s largest federation of publishers’ associations. Its membership comprises 89 organisations from 73 countries in Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe and the Americas. Based in Geneva, Switzerland, IPA represents the interests of the publishing industry in international fora and wherever publishers’ interests are at stake.

    Mr. Asoke Ghosh, the Father of Indian Publishing and this publication’s architect, holds an immaculate professional standing in this field that is adorned with accomplishments like being the first Indian and the sole Asian to be named Vice-President of the leading global organisation for publishing worldwide, the International Publishers Association. The IPA during the ceremony described him in golden words –

    “Asoke has been strongly involved with the IPA for most of his distinguished publishing career and has contributed a great deal to a stronger and more united organization.”

    Here is the presentation ceremony of the FIRST IPA Champion Award given to PHI Learning’s Chairman and Managing Director, Mr. Asoke Ghosh, ‘for going above and beyond to help the IPA achieve its goals on behalf of the publishing industry.’You can also watch the video on our YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/45n9STjmxCM

    #IPAChampionAward #AsokeGhosh #InternationalPublishersAssociation #FIP #TheFederationofIndianPublishers #Award

  • Reporting Live: PHI Learning at the 74th Frankfurt Book Fair

    The Frankfurt Book Fair, held annually, is one of the most prominent events in the global publishing calendar. This year, from October 19-23, the fair returned to its physical format, bringing together more than 4,000 exhibitors and over 2,000 events in the heart of Germany. As a regular participant in this prestigious event, PHI Learning was proud to showcase its contributions to academia, affordable textbooks, and educational resources at Stand No. 6.1 D34.

    The 74th Frankfurt Book Fair was an exceptional gathering for the publishing industry, attracting leading figures from around the world. The fair’s opening ceremony was graced by Spain’s Royal Couple, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia, marking the beginning of an event that also saw the presence of prominent political and cultural figures, including Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Elke Büdenbender, Boris Rhein, and the Mayor of Frankfurt, Dr. Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg. The spotlight was also on Spanish literature, as Spain was the guest of honor at this year’s fair, with engaging literary talks from renowned authors such as Irene Vallejo and Antonio Muñoz Molina.

    For PHI Learning, the Frankfurt Book Fair provided a valuable opportunity to strengthen its position as a trusted name in academic publishing. With a legacy spanning over 62 years, PHI Learning has been committed to producing high-quality, affordable textbooks that support both students and educators in higher education. Our participation in the fair underscores our dedication to providing academic resources that are both accessible and relevant, contributing to the advancement of academia worldwide.

    PHI Learning has built a strong reputation within the academic community, aligning its offerings with the standards set by India’s National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. Our textbooks cover a wide range of disciplines and are meticulously designed to meet the needs of educators and students alike. Each book is crafted to ensure clarity and comprehension, featuring illustrative diagrams, self-assessment tools, and engaging chapter summaries that make learning easier and more effective.

    At the Frankfurt Book Fair, PHI Learning also highlighted the growing importance of global reach in academic publishing. Our textbooks are adopted by prestigious institutions, including IITs, IIMs, and NITs, and are available in multiple languages, such as Chinese and Arabic. The fair’s international platform allowed us to connect with partners, educators, and academic institutions from around the globe, reinforcing our commitment to making affordable textbooks accessible to students in all corners of the world.

    The increasing demand for affordable academic resources is central to PHI Learning’s mission. As higher education continues to evolve, affordability remains a key consideration for both institutions and students. PHI Learning addresses this need by ensuring that our textbooks are not only of the highest academic quality but also affordable for students across India and beyond. With the rising costs of education, affordable textbooks have become an essential part of the academic ecosystem, enabling students to access quality learning materials without financial strain.

    The Frankfurt Book Fair also provided a space for PHI Learning to showcase its expert-authored content, created in collaboration with over 2,000 renowned professors and academic experts. This collaboration ensures that each textbook reflects the latest developments in the field and aligns with the needs of modern academia. With a focus on delivering relevant, up-to-date content, PHI Learning continues to lead the way in providing students with resources that enhance their academic journey.

    In conclusion, PHI Learning’s participation in the 74th Frankfurt Book Fair was a testament to our unwavering commitment to higher education, academia, and the future of academic publishing. Our affordable textbooks, NEP 2020 alignment, and dedication to supporting global educational initiatives make us a trusted partner in advancing academic progress. As we continue to build on our legacy, PHI Learning remains dedicated to offering high-quality academic resources that empower both educators and students in their pursuit of knowledge.

  • PHI Learning Wins Second Prize for Excellence in Book Publishing 2022

    PHI Learning is thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the Second Prize for Excellence in Book Publishing 2022 by The Federation of Indian Publishers. The recognition was granted for our highly acclaimed textbook Financial Accounting: A Managerial Perspective, Seventh Edition, authored by renowned IIM Professor R. Narayanaswamy. This achievement highlights our commitment to providing high-quality academic resources and reinforces our leadership in the field of educational publishing.

    The award ceremony took place on Friday, September 30, 2022, at The Claridges in New Delhi. The prestigious event was graced by Dr. Vinay Sahasrabudhe, Chairman of the Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR), who presented the awards to the winners. PHI Learning is immensely grateful to The Federation of Indian Publishers for this recognition, which affirms our continued contribution to the academic publishing industry.

    Financial Accounting: A Managerial Perspective, Seventh Edition stands as one of the most respected textbooks in the field of accounting, offering a comprehensive and insightful approach to financial accounting. The book, written by Professor R. Narayanaswamy, is designed for both students and professionals, providing a deep understanding of accounting principles, concepts, and practices. With its clear explanations, real-world examples, and updated content, it has become an essential resource in academia, especially for management students and professionals seeking to strengthen their financial accounting knowledge.

    This award is a testament to PHI Learning’s unwavering commitment to producing textbooks that meet the highest academic standards. As a leading name in academic publishing, PHI Learning continuously strives to create affordable textbooks that are not only academically rigorous but also accessible to students and educators alike. Our collaboration with esteemed academics such as Professor R. Narayanaswamy ensures that our textbooks reflect the latest trends and developments in their respective fields, providing students with relevant, up-to-date learning resources.

    The book’s success is a reflection of the trust that academic institutions, including top Indian universities and management institutes, place in PHI Learning’s textbooks. With its emphasis on practical applications and a managerial perspective, this edition of Financial Accounting has become an invaluable guide for understanding the complexities of financial decision-making in today’s business environment.

    The recognition of Financial Accounting: A Managerial Perspective, Seventh Edition at the 2022 Excellence in Book Publishing Awards also highlights PHI Learning’s dedication to supporting higher education and academia. We firmly believe that access to affordable, high-quality textbooks is a key component of academic success. By continuously publishing books that align with the needs of both educators and students, PHI Learning remains a trusted partner in advancing education.

    To learn more about Financial Accounting: A Managerial Perspective, Seventh Edition, please visit here.

    In conclusion, this prestigious award not only celebrates the excellence of our textbook but also reinforces PHI Learning’s position as a leading publisher in the academic space. As we continue to foster academic growth and progress, we remain committed to producing affordable textbooks that help shape the future of education in India and beyond.