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IPA Champion Award – Yet another FIRST achievement of Mr. Asoke Ghosh

IPA Champion Award – Yet another FIRST achievement of Mr. Asoke Ghosh

We, at PHI Learning, proudly announce that our Chairman and Managing Director, Mr. Asoke Ghosh, has been awarded the First IPA Champion Award. The award was presented by Mr. Hugo Setzer, Past IPA President during the 33rd International Publishers Congress, which took place in Jakarta, Indonesia from 10-12 November 2022.

This is the first of this highest honour in IPA’s 125 years. It celebrates individuals who have, during their career, gone “above and beyond the norm to help the IPA achieve its goals on behalf of the publishing industry.” In the last 5 decades, Mr. Ghosh has tirelessly promoted IPA values. He started his participation in IPA in 1974 and became a member of its Executive Committee in 1983 and until 1990. He was later elected again to the Executive Committee in 1999 and served as IPA Vice-President from 2000 to 2004. He brought the 24th IPA Congress to New Delhi in 1992 for the very first time and then again in 2018.

The IPA is the world’s largest federation of publishers’ associations. Its membership comprises 89 organisations from 73 countries in Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe and the Americas. Based in Geneva, Switzerland, IPA represents the interests of the publishing industry in international fora and wherever publishers’ interests are at stake.

Mr. Asoke Ghosh, the Father of Indian Publishing and this publication’s architect, holds an immaculate professional standing in this field that is adorned with accomplishments like being the first Indian and the sole Asian to be named Vice-President of the leading global organisation for publishing worldwide, the International Publishers Association. The IPA during the ceremony described him in golden words –

“Asoke has been strongly involved with the IPA for most of his distinguished publishing career and has contributed a great deal to a stronger and more united organization.”

Here is the presentation ceremony of the FIRST IPA Champion Award given to PHI Learning’s Chairman and Managing Director, Mr. Asoke Ghosh, ‘for going above and beyond to help the IPA achieve its goals on behalf of the publishing industry.’You can also watch the video on our YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/45n9STjmxCM

#IPAChampionAward #AsokeGhosh #InternationalPublishersAssociation #FIP #TheFederationofIndianPublishers #Award


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