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Metro Operations And Their Management

Economic Development and Economy of any country relates directly to its infrastructure  and urban transport system of which Metro systems plays a significant role. In India, the continued support of Government over the past decades led the development of a wide range rail-based mass transport systems across the country.

Although the metro system is considered as a sub-system or extension of railways, the nuances of metro operations are very different from that of mainline railways. Operations and maintenance services in Metro systems include various functions and services, such as train service operations, station operations, customer service, ticketing and fare collection, control centre management, security management, asset management planning and deployment, rolling stock maintenance, stations and depot facility management, track and structures, signaling and traction power maintenance and many more functions.

Today, however, several metro rail systems in India are in the different phases of design, construction, and operations. DMRC has always been at the forefront to support these metro rail systems by sharing its experiences. Every metro rail system has to traverse its own journey, but there is no need to reinvent the wheel every time.

The solutions to the challenges faced in O&M of Metro systems should be handy to the managers. Hence, in dearth of literary work on Metro operations and management, the authors have made a sincere effort to bring out a comprehensive book addressing the needs of the professionals and the future managers. They have shared their wide experience and expertise on various aspects of MRTS, starting from the planning, execution, operations, maintenance and management for the future development in the field of MRTS. The book covers key areas in metro railway operations management and discusses important issues, supported with case studies, to be considered while planning a metro system to ensure efficient operations.

Simply, the book is a concise yet comprehensive guide to metro operations, and is a must-read for all professionals and the scholars who aspire to be metro managers. 

Incredible endorsement and foreword by the Experts— Dr. E. SreedharanDr. Mangu Singh, and Mr. Vikas Kumar

Visit us @ www.phindia.com and Grab your copy now…!




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