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Books Reviews: 7 Titles In PHI Learning’s Shakespeare Series

Are you an English Literature student studying Shakespeare and love making innovative arguments in your coursework / graded papers and essays? If yes, you should check out PHI Learning’s Shakespeare Series. Our Shakespeare Plays textbooks set themselves apart from others in the market with footnotes and critical essays which provide knowledge-based points of discussion.

This means that the books not only focus on helping students understand the plays in a way that will increase their knowledge.

Each of the titles in our Shakespeare series features complete annotations, explanatory footnotes, comprehensive introductions, illustrative summaries, & critical essays. A summary is given at the end of every Act and Scene.

The texts have been created in a way to help the teacher to teach and the student to learn. Our books are priced to keep them affordable for the students and available in both e-book and print format. They are easily available on our website www.phindia.com and other such portals such as Amazon, Flipkart etc. for swift access.

Key features of our plays include:

  • Meticulously edited full text of the plays with annotations and commentary
  • Well-designed and laid out pages for easy readability
  • Act and Scene summaries
  • Plot Summary
  • Critical Essays

Interested in knowing more? In our latest YouTube video, our Digital Marketing Executive gives a detailed explanation of what to expect from our Shakespeare Series. Watch it here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2TjktHL9fU

The Tragedy of Macbeth

Editor ​​Dr. Gautam Sengupta, former Professor and Head, Department of English,

Gurudas College, Kolkata outlines the various themes related to treachery and moral order which emerge throughout the play. Two critical essays which discuss the themes within the play are provided and will certainly be a valuable and unique resource to those studying the play.

This poetic tragedy deals with moral order. Macbeth gets politically instigated and, taken over by greed, murders King Duncan and becomes the King of Scotland.

The Merchant of Venice

Editor Dr Lovelina Singh, a professor at the Department of English and Cultural Studies, Panjab University has captured the dramatic elements of the work in her introduction to the play. The text also features two critical essays to help students gain an analytical perspective.

Often considered to be one of Shakespeare’s most controversial plays, The Merchant of Venice is a story of love, romance, revenge, and religious fascism set in the backdrop of 16th Century Venice.

The Tempest

In this text, editor Dr. Bibhash Choudhury, Professor, Department of English, Gauhati University, focuses on political allegory. The introduction includes an analysis of the post-colonial themes within the play. Two critical essays provided in the book further build upon post-colonial themes and political allegory.

This play is regarded as one of Shakespeare’s most poetic plays; and one that presents various allegorical interpretations.

Our recent blog post will help readers understand what’s in store for them through a chapter review.

Read our recent blog to know more about this text and what it has to offer! https://www.phindia.com/blogs/2022/03/29/the-other-in-the-tempest-chapter-review/

Julius Caesar

Shakespeare portrays the murder of King Caesar and how it was avenged by Mark Antony, a soldier in Caesar’s second triumvirate. Editor Dr. Zinia Mitra, Head, Department of English, Nakshalbari College, Darjeeling, provides a comprehensive introduction to the play and also provides act-wise summaries. Critical essays analysing the play are provided which include ‘Role of Women in Julius Caesar’ and ‘Important Themes in Question’.

This play portrays flaws that are present in everyone. The characters harbor natural human flaws such as greed, jealousy, and suspicion. As the story unfolds, it becomes clear how these tendencies can create political unrest.

Interested in knowing about these literary interpretations of one of Shakespeare’s most famous works? Read on in our latest Blog Post! https://www.phindia.com/blogs/2022/08/08/shakespeares-julius-caesar-portrays-the-instinctual-human-tendency-towards-political-unrest-heres-how/


Ranked among the most influential tragedies in English Literature. Editor Dr Gautum Sengupta, former Professor and Head, the Department of English, Gurudas College, Kolkata, provides ample annotation and commentary to the text for easy comprehension. Critical essays discussing the themes and perspectives of criticism make the book a valuable resource for those studying the play.

This play portrays the themes of vengeance, instability, and insanity. One view is that Hamlet hallucinates a ghost as he descends into insanity. Another reading is a pneumatological interpretation.

Read our recent Blog Post about the play! https://www.phindia.com/blogs/2022/08/01/symbolism-of-the-ghost-of-king-hamlet-in-hamlet-by-pallavi-ghosh/

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Editor, Ishita Singh, Assistant Professor at Jesus and Mary College, Delhi University provides comprehensive act-wise summaries to encompass the complexities of the play. The critical essays included in the text discuss “Gender and Power” and “Rank and Rebellion”.

This play finds a fine balance between order and chaos as it takes place over four interwoven plots. The centrality of labouring class characters makes this comedy different from his others.

 As You Like It

Editor Kashish Dua, Assistant Professor at the Department of English, Jesus and Mary College encourages readers to critically examine the background and the various aspects of the play. The two critical essays provided dead will ‘pastoralism and comedy’ and gendering in the play.

Set in the Forest of Arden, this play deals with Rosalind and Celia’s experiences with disguises and desires. The play also portrays issues of exile and tension between two brothers.

Interested in purchasing one of these books? Buy them from our website https://www.phindia.com/SearchBooks/SearchphiBooks/?searchbooks=shakespeare

Also available on Amazon and Flipkart.

Just email marketing@phindia.com if you have any queries or to enquire about textbook adoptions, library orders, or e-book samples of our textbooks.



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