Special Offer Title –  30% Off A TEXTBOOK OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS, SECOND EDITION  By K.V. NARAYANAN Designed as an undergraduate-level textbook in Chemical Engineering, this student-friendly, thoroughly class-room tested book, now in its second edition, continues to provide an in-depth analysis of chemical engineering thermodynamics. The book has been so organized that it gives comprehensive …

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Special Offer Title –  30% Off ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, SECOND EDITION By Bhupinder Mehta & Manju Mehta The second edition of the book continues to offer a range of pedagogical features maintaining the balanced approach of the text. The attempts have been made to further strengthen the conceptual understanding by introducing more ideas and a number …

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Add to Learning Black holes: picturing the heart of darkness Astronomers are poised Wednesday to unveil the first direct image of a black hole and the surrounding whirlwind of white-hot gas and plasma inexorably drawn by gravity into its ravenous maw, along with the light they generate. The picture will have been captured by the …

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Business Communication Series Ways to make grapevine effective Though grapevine provides innumerable utilities to the organization, still it is not free from defects. Therefore, managers should try to use grapevine in a way so that organization can take heights benefits from it. The following issues/ ways/ means will guide the managers in enhancing the efficacy …

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Add to Learning Benefits of Getting Your MBA Online Having little to no experience in managing a business can be a hindrance to your professional success. You can only get so far without strong business acumen. That is why many people are now recognizing the importance of taking their education further with either a doctorate …

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 Let’s Know What’s There In The Book AN INTRODUCTION TO ASTROPHYSICS, Second Edition By BAIDYANATH BASU Dr. TANUKA CHATTOPADHYAY SUDHINDRA NATH BISWAS This invaluable book, now in its second edition, covers a wide range of topics appropriate for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in astrophysics. The book conveys a deep and coherent understanding of the …

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Let’s Know What’s There In The Book CONTROL SYSTEMS, Second Edition By A. ANAND KUMAR This comprehensive text on control systems is designed for undergraduate students pursuing courses in electronics and communication engineering, electrical and electronics engineering, telecommunication engineering, electronics and instrumentation engineering, mechanical engineering, and biomedical engineering. Appropriate for self-study, the book will also …

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Add to Learning If your boss forces you to work late quit Judy (Christine) Peri ALWAYS LEAVE THE OFFICE ON TIME. I am sharing this article. So what does this really mean and why you should believe in leaving the office on time? 1.              Work is a never ending process …

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Let’s know what’s there in the book SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: CONCEPTS AND CASES By RAHUL V. ALTEKAR, Director – Strategic Services JDA India and a Visiting Faculty at NITIE, Welingkars. He can be reached at altekarrahul@consultant.com. In response to the increasing significance attached to supply chain management in both academic and professional areas, this text …

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Learn the Fundamentals of Algorithms from The Bible on Algorithms INTRODUCTION TO ALGORITHMS Third Edition by Cormen, et. al. “As an educator and researcher in the field of algorithms for over two decades, I can unequivocally say that the Cormen et al book is the best textbook that I have ever seen on this subject. …

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