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Helping Teachers to Teach and Students to Learn

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PHI Learning's Shakespeare Series comprises all select works of Shakespeare, which are integral to our universities' curriculum and are developed by acclaimed academia specializing in Shakespeare literature. The editors of the books have made an attempt to decode the language by providing descriptive explanatory notes. Each play is written and organised in such a manner that the students of  English  Literature  can  understand  with  ease  and  comfort.

Special Features of the books in the series

  • A comprehensive introduction to the entire play
  • Simple yet descriptive explanatory notes
  • Original text
  • Illustrative summary to the entire play ( Act-wise)
  • Critical essays, giving a post-modern outlook to the play

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PHI Learning's Shakespeare Series


Print Book ISBN : 9788120353312
eBook ISBN : 9789390669974
Ebook : Available
Print Book : Available
Binding : Paperback

Print Book Price : 195.00   97.5
You Save : (97.5)
Ebook Price : 195.00   156.00
You Save : (39)

Performed variously as escapist fantasy, celebratory fiction, and political allegory, The Tempest is one of the plays in which William Shakespeare’s genius as a poetic dramatist found its fullest expression. Critics see The Tempest as explicitly concerned with its own nature as a play, frequently drawing links between Prospero’s art and theatrical illusion, and early critics saw Prospero as a representation of Shakespeare, and his renunciation of magic as signalling Shakespeare’s farewell to the stage.

The Play

The play is set on a remote island, where the sorcerer Prospero, rightful Duke of Milan, plots to restore his daughter Miranda to her rightful place using illusion and skillful manipulation. He conjures up a storm, the eponymous tempest, to lure his usurping brother Antonio and the complicit King Alonso of Naples to the island. There, his machinations bring about the revelation of Antonio’s lowly nature, the redemption of the King, and the ...Read more

Read the Blog post The Tempest - A Chapter Review



Print Book ISBN : 9788120353282
eBook ISBN : 9789390669158
Ebook : Available
Print Book : Available
Binding : Paperback

Print Book Price : 225.00   112.5
You Save : (112.5)
Ebook Price : 225.00   180.00
You Save : (45)

The Tragedy of Hamlet, shortened to Hamlet, is Shakespeare’s longest play, and is ranked amongst the most powerful and influential tragedies in English literature.

The Play

Prince Hamlet is summoned home to Denmark from school in Germany to attend his father’s funeral. Upon reaching, he is shocked to find his mother Gertrude already remarried to Claudius—Hamlet’s uncle and the late King’s brother. The incident agitates Hamlet to the core, making him angry and depressed. To worsen his plight, his father appears as a ghost and reveals that he was murdered by Claudius, to seize the throne. The episodes prompt Hamlet to swear a revenge against his father’s murder and mother’s infidelity.

The book comes along with
• Fully annotated and complete text
• Clear plot-summary in brief
• Act-wise and scene-wise, to-the-point critical commentary
• Student-friendly introduction to all important issues<...Read more

Read the Blog post Symbolism of the Ghosh of King Hamlet



Print Book ISBN : 9788120353268
eBook ISBN : 9789390669073
Ebook : Available
Print Book : Available
Binding : Paperback

Print Book Price : 225.00   112.5
You Save : (112.5)
Ebook Price : 225.00   180.00
You Save : (45)

Shakespeare, in Julius Caesar, a history play, very effectively portrays the Assassination episode of the King Caesar, and how it was avenged by Mark Antony, a faithful Soldier of Caesar’s Second triumvirate. The essays on Role of Women in Julius Caesar and Important Themes in Question help in analyzing the play, appropriately.

The Play

Caesar returns to Rome after defeating Pompey, but conspirators plan to assassinate him. Caesar’s wife, Calphurnia, has nightmares and tries to persuade Caesar not to go to the Capitol. But he goes and is assassinated. Caesar’s friend Antony rouses the crowd by his oration and Brutus and Cassius have to flee to Rome. Antony forms a triumvirate with Octavius Caesar and Lepidus, and plans deaths of the conspirators by forming an army. Brutus and Cassius agree to fight them together at Philippi. Messala brings in news from Rome and reports that Portia, Brutus’ wife has committed suicide. Caesar’s ghost visits Brutus ...Read more

Read the Blog post Instinctual Human Tendency Towards Political Unrest



Print Book ISBN : 9789387472457
eBook ISBN : 9789387472464
Ebook : Available
Print Book : Available
Binding : Paperback

Print Book Price : 295.00   236.00
You Save : (59)
Ebook Price : 295.00   236.00
You Save : (59)

The Tragedy of Macbeth is the shortest tragedy written by William Shakespeare. Macbeth, the protagonist of the play, is portrayed as a successful Scottish general in the army of King Duncan. Macbeth, one day, gets politically instigated by a trio of witches that he would become the King of Scotland soon. Encouraged by his wife (Lady Macbeth) and taken over by greed and action, Macbeth murders King Duncan, and becomes the King of Scotland.

Key Features

• Clear language with complete annotations.

• Act-wise Scene-wise summary given at the end of every Act.

• Plot-wise Commentary given at the end of the text.

• Critical Essay explaining 'Themes that emerge out of Macbeth' and 'Under the Critics' Lens' have been provided.

Target Audience

B.A. / M.A. English

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A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare

Print Book ISBN : 9789387472495
eBook ISBN : 9789387472501
Ebook : Available
Print Book : Available
Binding : Paperback

Print Book Price : 195.00   97.5
You Save : (97.5)
Ebook Price : 195.00   156.00
You Save : (39)

A Midsummer Night’s Dream is William Shakespeare’s fourth comedy and is ranked amongst his best and most complex comedies. The metadramatic features and the centrality of labouring class characters makes this comedy different from his others. It was written in 1596.

The Play

A Midsummer Night’s Dream, a romantic comedy, is a dramatic text that draws attention to the very fine balance between tragedy and comedy, order and chaos, reality and illusion, romance and violence and tyranny and rebellion. The action of the play takes place over two days and four interwoven plots: the wedding of Hippolyta, the Amazonian queen and Theseus, Duke of Athens; the discord in the Athenian forest due to Titania and Oberon, the Fairy Queen and King respectively; the inconstant love of young Athenians Hermia, Helena, Demetrius and Lysander; and the practice and performance of the play-within-the-play by Quice and company.

The book comes along with

• A compre...Read more


As You Like It by William Shakespeare

Print Book ISBN : 9789387472471
eBook ISBN : 9789387472488
Ebook : Available
Print Book : Available
Binding : Paperback

Print Book Price : 225.00   112.5
You Save : (112.5)
Ebook Price : 225.00   180.00
You Save : (45)

A pastoral comedy written by William Shakespeare, As You Like It is regarded as one of his greatest comedies for more than four centuries now. The play is set up mostly in the Forest of Arden, and it narrates the story of Rosalind and Celia's experiences with disguises and desires. While the readers also remain engaged with the issues of primogeniture and exile informing the tensions between the two sets of brothers Oliver-Orlando and Duke Senior (Ferdinand)-Duke Frederick, respectively, the play’s true captivating nature is lent by characters like Audrey, Silvius, Phoebe and Adam, who come from the lower social strata. The play ends on a note of forgiveness, reunion and understanding.

The analysis of ‘The idea of the pastoral’ and ‘The operations of gender’, both the primary subjects of criticism, have been given a special focus in the two extremely informative critical essays included at the end of the book.

Key Features

• Fully-annotated tex...Read more



Print Book ISBN : 9788120353091
eBook ISBN : 9789354436277
Ebook : Available
Print Book : Available
Binding : Paperback
Editor : Singh, Lovelina

Print Book Price : 195.00   97.5
You Save : (97.5)
Ebook Price : 195.00   156.00
You Save : (39)

William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice is often considered to be one of his most controversial plays. This student’s Edition tries to explicate the core elements of the play with clear and well-defined annotations as well as exhaustive Critical Appreciations on interesting topics such as Shakespeare’s treatment of Fools and Comedy; the Role of Portia’s Ring; and the Art of Rhetoric in the plot development of the play.

The Play

The Merchant of Venice is a story of love, romance, revenge and religious fanaticism set in the backdrop of 16th Century Venice. Not only is the play an intricate meld of various plots involving a gallery of the most fascinating characters in literature, but it is also imbued with a rich and potent poetic expression. It encompasses a wide range of themes and makes a very powerful comment on the human condition. The dramatic force of the play continues to resonate with audiences across the world and makes it a favourite pic...Read more



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